A downloadable game for Windows

My final project for my SGD Programming II class.

Archibald left the Order of Champions with a hope to see them grow from their mistakes. But instead of growing better, they only grew more greedy and cruel. With no one else to turn to, several towns are forced to pay exuberant fees for the Order's protection. Despite his feelings, Archibald forces himself to stay uninvolved due to his former allegiance, but after coming across the mystical sword Scintillement, he decides to set things right.


MightMakesRight-DosherBUILD.zip 60 MB


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This is an extremely good example of a game jam kind of game. especially for 1 made in just a week by one person, even if you used some assets from the asset store. It's nice and simple. The one thing I would say is that it my be a little too easy but for a game-jam type game you would actually want it too be easier so that's fine. I couldn't tell if there was sound cause I had to play it muted, but it was still fun. The only major things I would change is maybe boost up the level design and some balancing tweaks and this would be a really good game for an early entry to a portfolio. Great Work!